Clubs & Sports
Below find the Clubs list as of October 2024. For more information about each club, click on the Club Description link within the club list. After school help and most clubs are over at 2:50pm (unless otherwise noted). Please pick students up promptly after their activity.
Late buses are available Monday - Thursday for students with a current bus pass and typically arrive at Kennedy between 3:25 - 3:35pm.
Additional club and activity websites:
Middle School Learning Outside the Classroom Setting
KMS is excited to provide our students with additional opportunities to further their learning experience outside the standard classroom setting. Participating in a club or activity is a great way to meet other students and experience great topics such as Robotics, Jazz Band and Specialty Chorus. Students are encouraged to explore many different activities from which they may find favorites they want to continue to pursue. Please Note: the list of student activities varies from year to year. Not all activities are available every year, and others may be added from time to time. Listen for an announcement of activities over the intercom during homeroom each morning.
Team sports have an athletic fee. Refer to Middle School Athletics.