Core Values
Core Values for Kennedy Middle School
The students at the John F. Kennedy Middle School need to understand and practice the "4 R's of Responsibility, Respect, Resourcefulness and Reflection in order to be successful lifelong learners.
You need to be responsible for your actions, words and deeds.
You need to be respectful of others and yourself as we work to build a safe, supportive community for all.
You need to be resourceful, by exploring options, listening to different points of view and uncovering your own answers.
You need to be reflective, taking pride in your successes and learning from your mistakes.
It is expected that our students will exercise self-discipline and conduct themselves in a courteous and polite manner that respects the rights and privileges of all members of the school community.
You need to be responsible for your actions, words and deeds.
Familiarize yourself with school rules and regulations
Familiarize yourself with classroom rules
Follow the rules
Take responsibility for your own actions
Demonstrate civic responsibility
You need to be respectful of others and yourself as we work to build a safe, supportive community for all.
Respect each person's individuality
Respect personal and public property
Respect for teachers, staff, community members and peers
You need to be resourceful, by exploring options, listening to different points of view and uncovering your own answers.
Balance academic, social, co-curricular and extracurricular commitments
Appreciate values, traditional and achievements of a multicultural society
Know and respect the environment